April 5, 2014

Belief: Holding steady in a storm.

A belief system serves an essential purpose, supporting our efforts at going in a purposeful direction in the midst of life's storms. It's designed to withstand buffeting, and we can thank God for that. Every system has its gyroscope. In the human psychic system, that is the set of interlocking, interacting beliefs.

A belief is a working hypothesis, a conclusion based on experience to this point in time. We can adopt an As If attitude to use as a guide for planning and anticipating, yet still stay open to new learning as experiences continue to come in. In which case we adopt new beliefs to use in navigation.

Because the terrain we are navigating is ever-emerging, our belief system requires calibration, maintenance and systematic recalibration. It becomes useless and dangerous when it is outmoded, incomplete, improperly set.

There may be one True North, but a useful navigation system includes a growing and evolving map of the local terrain as well as of the far destinations.

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